Get the safety boot


The original YELLOW Safety Boot Temporary Railing System was first seen on the Australian market approximately 22 years ago when a ‘hire based company’ started manufacturing the boot here in Australia under license to the American inventor/designer— Safety Maker US.

While Safety Boot received a reasonably warm welcome by contractors, the hire company soon realised it was taking away from their hire revenue as the product was reusable. This created a dilemma so they set about looking for a company or individual to take over from them across Australia.

It was around 2002 when Independent Fastening Systems Pty Ltd (IFS) had a chance encounter with the Sales Manager of the hire company and—long story short—they bought the die/mold and took over the operational part of manufacturing, selling and marketing Safety Boot across Australia.

One of the first tasks undertaken was to have the product tested by a NATA certified testing organization to ensure Safety Boot met the requirements of the governing Australian Standard and any other regulatory requirements. This completed, IFS completely overhauled the installation instructions, and this included working with fastening/ anchoring specialists to ensure recommended masonry anchors and other fixtures were what was right for the job. Every box of YELLOW Safety Boots is supplied with a complete instruction booklet inside it.

As IFS was part of the CSS Buying Group, several of its members were set up as Master Distributors across Australia and were provided a solid training structure to ensure they understood the product and the importance of providing the right information to prospective users.

Safety Boots are generally always used in what can be described as SAFETY CRITICAL APPLICATIONS and IFS has always been aware of the importance of staying in tune and up to date with changes in regulatory requirements. To this end, IFS have continually updated/ improved support information which accompanies the product and its associated accessories, to provide the best available detail for installers.

Blocking off floor penetrations on construction sites and edge fall protection is serious business and should never be taken lightly by any party involved with it and that is why IFS manufacture and market Safety Boot to a standard and not a price. After all, it is hard to put a price on safety.

IFS has 20 years’ experience in this space, under Australian conditions and we have a wealth of knowledge behind us and the support of some of Australia’s foremost fastening companies. IFS have always batch stamped and dated every Safety Boot to provide traceability and to provide the user with a visual means of aging the product. YELLOW Safety Boots have a usable life of ten (10) years from manufacture and this is substantiated through certified testing procedures confirming the materials ability to withstand the effects of Australia’s harsh ultra-violet conditions.

More recent additions to the Safety Boot System have been the introduction of the Safety Boot Concrete Installation Packs which have been developed through a close collaboration between ICCONS Fasteners and IFS. The packs provide all the items necessary to provide the right anchorage every time. (Safety Boot Drill Bit, Washers, Yellow Tipped Screwbolts and an Anchor Installation Sheet.)

There is a lot more to providing a safe and secure, temporary Edge Fall Protection System than meets the eye. Next time you find yourself in a situation where you need a solution for this—make sure you consider the following:

  • Does the product conform to the requirements of AS/NZ4994.1:2009?
  • Does the product have a specified life span and if yes, can you easily tell how old it is?
  • Has the product been tested for the effects of extended ultraviolet light exposure?
  • Once installed, is there a traceability system in place.
  • Is the product supported by and supplied with full and comprehensive installation instructions?


Always insist on the original yellow safety boot—for safety’s sake.